Spotkanie z Ambasadorem Japonii

Spotkanie z Ambasadorem Japonii

13 listopada 2017, godz. 19:00
do 21:00


Hotel Sheraton

ul. Bolesława Prusa


Organizowane przez klub:

RC Warszawa City


The Ambassador of Japan, His Excellency Shigeo Matsutomi, will give a special presentation at our club RC Warszawa City. The language will be English.

Japan has a unique and ancient culture and it is a major world power which is also a leader in many modern technologies. It is also a very important trading partner with Poland. Its capital city of Tokyo will be hosting the 2020 Summer Olympics.

After the main talk there will be a chance for a few questions. We are very honoured to have such a distinguished guest speaking at our Rotary Club.

I wish to invite members of other Rotary Clubs to join us for this unique event which will be combined with an elegant buffet dinner which will be prepared in the Warsaw Room on the first floor of the Warsaw Sheraton Hotel at ul. Bolesława Prusa 2 from 7 pm on Monday 13th November.

The usual donation of 70zl will be collected on the night, but it is essential that guests confirm their attendance with our secretary by email to:  by no later than Thursday 9th November because seating will be limited.

We look forward to seeing you.


Mark Krawczynski

President of Rotary Club Warszawa City  2017-2018

Acting Chair of HOC for RI  Convention in Warsaw.

District 2231 Promotions Committee Chair for Toronto RI Convention